aytekin garden

aytekin garden

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

How to Grow Tulip

Tulips are a gorgeous spring flower that come in a rainbow of colors and a myriad of shapes. Plant them in the fall and watch them grow and bloom when the weather turns warm in the spring.
The genus's native range extends west to the Iberian Peninsula, through North Africa to Greece, the Balkans, Turkey, throughout the Levant (Syria, Israel, Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Jordan) and Iran, north to Ukraine, southern Siberia and Mongolia, and east to the Northwest of China.

Tulip is Turkish national flower. Since more than 1000 year ago Tulip has grown wild in here and Ottoman brought Tulip to Europe. From thousands year ago Ottoman used Tulip as art ornaments in Persian and Turkish. The name given Europeans for tulip originated from Persian for turban (Persian: دلبنت, dulband ).

İn Turkey we have tulip festival every april to may. We called it lale zamanı. You can see thousands colour of Tulip here.

Here is step by step plant Tulip :
1.     Assess the planting site. Tulips grow in most soils, and there's not much you need to do to get it ready for planting. However, if the soil where you live is very dry or hard, you can wait to plant the tulips until a day after it has rained. Remove any weeds or stones and use a trowel to loosen and aerate the soil.
2.   Dig holes for the bulbs. Space the holes 4 to 6 inches (10.2 to 15.2 cm) apart, and dig them about 8 inches (20.3 cm) from the base of the bulb. So if you have a 1-inch bulb, you'll need a 9-inch hole. The larger the bulb, the deeper the hole must be.
3.    Plant the tulip bulbs. Place them in the holes pointy-side up (otherwise they'll try to sprout downward). Sprinkle the soil back into the holes and pack it down with your hands, taking care not to tilt the bulbs in another direction.
4.     Water the bulbs lightly. Right after planting, give the bulbs some water. This helps them begin the process of growing. Don't give them a soaking, though; bulbs will decay and die if they get too wet

Note :
1.      Water the bulbs if the soil very dry
2.     For tropical climate you can put the bulbs in refrigerator first before plant it. But let them away from fruit.
3.     If you buy and receive the rooten or moldy bulbs you don’t waste it. You still can plant it. They will grow normal.
4.     Choose big bulbs, because small one will not flowering. It just create leaf. And if you buy seed it need many years for flowering.

Happy gardening….

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016

Resep Soto Daging ( Soto Madura)


İstanbul sudah dingin...Selamat tinggal summer..... Mari kita
Mari kita ke dapur melanjutkan acar belajar memasak bersama bu google   
Setelah bolak balik baca blog orang akhirnya setelah teh turki saya habis satu gelas, saya memutuskan untuk membuat soto daging atau dikenal juga dengan nama soto Madura.
Kalau mau praktis dan hasilnya enak banget dan di jamin sepiring tidak pernah cukup serta diolah secara professional silahkan di coba bumbu instan dari Bamboe ini.

Soto Madura is a soto soup, originated from Madura. Soto is a very popular soup in Indonesia. The main ingredients will be beef and offal/innards, such as tripe, brisket, lung, brain, liver. Same as all soto, lime juice and sambal/chilli paste will be added to add the liveliness of this dish.
Soto is eaten with rice. Spices for this soup is white pepper, coriander, lemolngrass, ginger, turmeric, galangal, garlic and shallots.
​Weight: 40 g / 1.4 oz
Price : 4 TL

Berikut resep soto daging ( soto Madura ) hasil contekan dari google…
 ü  Daging sapi 250 gram (rebus setengah matang lalu potong dadu)
ü  Babat 100 gram (rebus setengah matang matang lalu potong dadu)
ü  Bawang daun prei 2 batang, potong 2 cm
ü  Maydonoz 1 batang (seharusnya selederi tapi saya kesulitan menemukan selederi disini)
ü  Daun jeruk 5 lembar
ü  Serai 1 batang, memarkan

Bumbu yang dihaluskan:
ü  Bawang merah 3 siung
ü  Bawang putih 8 siung
ü  Jahe segar 3 cm (bisa di ganti jahe bubuk 2 sdt)
ü  Kunyit 2 cm (bisa di ganti kunyit bubuk ½ sdt)
ü  Merica 1/2 sendok teh
ü  Garam secukupnya

Cara memasak :
1.       Rebus daging sapi hingga matang, sehingga didapatkan air kaldu sapi.
2.       Tambahkan babat dan masak hingga air kaldu menjadi mendidih.
3.       Di tempat lainnya, tumis bumbu halus hingga beraroma harum.
4.       Kemudian tambahkan air kaldu beserta isinya dalam tumisan bumbu, tambahkan garam sesuai dengan selera. Lalu, aduk hingga semua bahan tercampur secara merata.
5.       Jika air sudah mendidih, berarti soto siap untuk disantap.

Note :
Bisa di tambahkan usus dan paru juga sesuai selera.